La page de Nadia Ahee
La page de Nadia Ahee
But: 3000$
But: 3000$
3 121,00 $ amassés par 14 donateurss
3 121,00 $ amassés par 14 donateurss

While in the hospital, Jordan found out he would recieve his Once in a Lifetime wish from Starlight to go to Disney World following his SDR surgery.  Talking about this wish every day got Jordan through this 10 hour surgery, hours of physical therapy and occupational therapy, a long 2 month hospital stay, and 6 long months of movement restrictions.  Jordan also looks forward to all of the Day Brightener events that Starlight organizes throughout the year.  We are so thankful for everything they do to give Jordan happy memories.  


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Contributeurs récents

14 dons ont été faits à ce participant.
20,00 $
100,00 $
Jeanne Salo
110,00 $
Bob Graham
50,00 $
Chelsey Rowan
75,00 $
Margaret Quesenberry
40,00 $
Monica Jacka
600,00 $
Joyce Menyasz
250,00 $
686,00 $
Mad Crafters Ottawa
50,00 $
Demply Creations
40,00 $
Sarah Saad
1 000,00 $
Mad Crafters Ottawa
50,00 $
Sylvie Groulx
50,00 $

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